Masatoshi Nishiguchi

Rails Active Records - where, where-not and nil

Today my colleague points out that confusing behavior of where.not query dealing with nil. Here is my note on it.

all records

# all
#=> 1509

Grouping A: non-nil v nil

# "nil comment" group
User.where(comment_id: nil).count
#=> 191

# "non-nil comment" group
User.where.not(comment_id: nil).count
#=> 1318
# sanity check
191 + 1318
# => 1509

Grouping B: look up by condition out of all

# find records with comment_id 839 out of all
User.where(comment_id: [839]).count
=> 8

# find records without comment_id 839 out of all
User.where.not(comment_id: [839]).or(User.where(comment_id: nil)).count
=> 1501
# WARNING: The following does not do the job for this type of grouping.
User.where.not(comment_id: [839]).where.not(comment_id: nil).count
User.where.not(comment_id: [nil, 839]).count
# sanity check
8 + 1501
#=> 1509

Grouping C: look up by condition out of non-nil records

# find records with comment_id 839 out of "non-nil comment" group
User.where(comment_id: [839]).count
=> 8
# find records without comment_id 839 out of "non-nil comment" group
User.where.not(comment_id: [839]).where.not(comment_id: nil).count
=> 1310
# "nil comment" group
User.where(comment_id: nil).count
#=> 191
# sanity check
8 + 1310 + 191
#=> 1509